Our day started so fast! In the morning, we all woke up and
got dressed in our swimsuits and sandals before breakfast. After breakfast, we walked across the bridge and down the road a tiny bit to the rafting company. As soon as we arrived we immediately got on a bus to the put in. We were all decked out in our
rafting gear to start but right before rafting, we all got a chance to jump off
a big cliff into the river and have the current take us back to our rafts. We
experienced “Class 2 or 3 ” rapids and snacked on pineapple and watermelon at the
half point. The rafting was a great experience, even though at some points the
rafts almost flipped over. When the current slowed down fully, we played king
of the hill and jumped on the other boats and tried to throw everyone on that
boat off. We also found two stray puppies back at the rafting company after that where 2 months old, they where
so cute. Then, after that, we came back to the Chilamate Eco lodge and ate
lunch. After lunch we finished packing up and we headed on the bus to go back to San Jose. We stopped by a souvenir shop on the way to the hotel and picked up some fun presents for our families. When we got to the hotel we were all impressed by how nice it was and how urban it was compared to where we had been. After dinner we did our last group activity: a candle ceremony. We all shared what it was that we would bring back from this trip. We gave Randall a card and thanked him for being a Slim* instructor. Bloggers: Eli & Miles

The next morning we woke at 5:30am had breakfast at 6 and then said our goodbyes to Randall. We jumped in the vans and headed to the airport. We watched movies on the long flight, then had a long layover in LAX where we ate dinner and chilled out. We are all happy to get home but also sad that such a great trip is coming to an end. Pura Vida!
To World Leadership School & Town School-
Gracias para todos!
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